One Nigth
For the literature class, we were asked to make a short story with a problem of social classes or discussions between mother and child. I choose Social classes problems, so here is my short story.
One nigth I was walking near Eiffel tower, because I was sick of listening to my mother shouting at me, and telling me the wrong thing I always did. And there I met a man, his name was Zac, we started talking about our lives, why we were walking there, about our families etc. He was very handsome, attentive, such that he invited me an ice-cream. we hung out very frequently. Five months after a lot of dates together he asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend, of course I said yes, but after all this, there was a big problem. My mother. She noticed I was in love with someone, but she needed to control my life, so she wanted to know who that guy was.
I should tell her, and introduce her my boyfriend. After all she was my mother. So I decided to invite zac for dinner. It was the worst thing I could ever do. First of all because my mother hated men that wore slippers, secondly she completely hated him when she asked him what his job was. She expected to hear, Ihave a factory, I managed a car industry, but he answerd "I´m a florist".
I noticed my mother´s face, when she heard that, so I told immediatly Zac if we could go for a walk.
I got home the next day and my mother was sitting in the sofa waiting for me to enter the house.
Mother: 2 a florist? really? nothing better tahn a florist? He doesn´t have money, a good social class, nothing like US".
Me: " yes mom, a florist, a very attentive florist. I don´t want to talk anymore abou this".
Mother: "I´m your mother, you are not going to tell me you don´t want to talk anymore, no come here a listen to me!".
So I had to sit there and listen to those horrible and selfish things she said. After all she did the worst thing a mother can do to her daugther. She locked me in my room, and I couldn´t see Zac for years, I slept in my room, I ate in my room, I wrote in my room, and everything I could do I did it in my room.
The ugliest day was when my mother entered my room really happy and I asked her why was she like this, so she answerd "Zac has died, so now find a better boy, with money".
I dind´t know if to cry or shout I was so angry. But today I know what I should never ever do to my children, they can love who they want, if she o he has or not money for me is the same.
The love of my life is dead but I still love him.

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